Thursday, February 09, 2006


As I was putting Sadie in the tub (Josie went first and was already squirming around on her towel on the floor, blowing raspberries and saying "ay-yay-yah-yah-yah"), I told her that tomorrow, we'd get to see Deanna. She said, "See Deanna?!" I said, "Yes, but tomorrow. Not today. Tomorrow, after we go to sleep and then wake up." She thought about this for a minute, then leaned her head over against the wall, closed her eyes, and snored a couple of fake snores. Then she opened her eyes and said, "See DEANNA!!!"

In other news, I have switched to 3 days a week at work. I'm not sure how I feel about that... I've worked Monday through Friday for so long now that it really felt like I was cheating all day today.

We're planning to go home next weekend, so yippee! My friend Melissa (or "Lissa" as Sadie calls her) is coming with us. We have big plans to go to Boone and eat Japanese food - the Japanese places around here just aren't on par with Makoto's.

Still watching American Idol, I'm ashamed to admit. Every year, I promise myself that I'm not going to watch it, and then every year, I get sucked in. Not sure who I'm pulling for yet; I'll keep you posted, since I'm sure everyone really cares. :)

I think we're going back to Eat-N-Park tonight, so I'm hoping to run into Miss Betty! If I ever see her again, I'm definitely inviting her over for Sunday dinner. Or at least I'm getting her address. Or something!

That's it... I'm off for a date with Billy Blanks and his Ab Bootcamp video. Although the man is insane and I am usually crying by the end, I did, in fact, eat an entire chocolate cake doughnut yesterday, and I'm feeling it. Can one doughnut make your jeans tight again after a 15 pound losing streak?