Friday, April 07, 2006

Squishy Butt

Yesterday, we went to a real, live, working farm. The girls both loved it. The big hit of the day with Sadie was getting to see a huge cow (close up) and a milking demonstration. When they asked who would like to help milk the cow, Sadie was the first one to volunteer! She jumped up and said, "Me do it!" She's such a helper. Anyway, she chickened out when we actually got close to the cow, but she stood there while I milked the cow. Yes, I said I MILKED A COW. We explained to her that when you squeeze the cow's udder, the milk comes squirting down into the bucket. She was mesmerized. However, for the rest of the day, all she could say was, "Squishy butt! Milk come out!"

Behind the cow was a little goat pen. A white goat set its sights on Josie's feet, and he stuck his head through the slats of the pen and began to nibble on them. Josie thought this was funny, and it would have made a fabulous picture, had Yours Truly been able to find the stupid camera. By the time I dug it out of the bottomless pit (ie: the diaper bag), the goat had moved on to bigger and better? things - Jesse's coat.

Next, we headed out to the chicken coop, where both girls (and both parents) were fascinated by these crazy looking chickens... they had huge afro hairdos - made of feathers, of course. One of them kept looking at Jesse like he wanted to peck his eyes out... this foul fowl even kicked dirt out at him through the wire of the cage. I came to the conclusion that chickens are just plain scary. Sadie went around yelling "cock-a-doodley-doo!" and "Eat corn! Eat corn!" until we fled the scent - I mean, scene.

The sheep were our next stop, and they were a real treat because lots and lots of baby lambs had just been born (it is spring, FINALLY, after all). Sadie clapped her hands and said, "Here sheeps! Here sheeps!" and miraculously, a cute little fuzzy lamb trotted over to see her and Josie. It took a great liking to Josie, and she squealed and laughed and tried to grab its head with both hands. She loved petting it, even more than Sadie did. Sadie was more interested in climbing up the fence and yelling, "Look at me!" and "I see poop! Sheep poop! Goat poop!"

At one point, two little lambs came over to the fence and climbed up on their mom's back and almost escaped! Then Mom stood up and shook them off, and one of them banged his head on the fence post. Sadie said, "Ow - he bumpeed head!"

We saw piglets, horses, calves, turkeys, ducks, and all kinds of things! It was altogether a fun trip. Jesse and I have decided to become farmers. Now if I can just get ahold of some Kevlar body armour, I can take care of those chickens....