Friday, December 25, 2009

There are No Orphans of God

The Christmas cantata at Chasity's church was great. After taking my Daddy a coconut cake and some of Jesse's pecan pie, we met Becky, Stephen, and Hailey at the church and settled in to watch the show (after Sadie and Josie snuck backstage with Chasity - they thought that was great fun). We sat behind Becky and Stephen so we could talk more easily, though I think they were probably sorry once the cantata started. About halfway through, there was a song called "This is Our God," that talked about the sacrifice that God and Jesus made with Jesus' birth, life, and death, and how much they love us. Well, I started crying, and I didn't stop until the very end. After that song, Chasity sang her solo... and she was just amazing. I was so proud of her - I haven't heard her sing in church in years, since we used to sing together. She was SO GOOD and the song was definitely the best one in the whole cantata. It was called "There Are No Orphans of God." It talked about how no matter how bad things seem here on earth, God sees us all the same... loves us all the same... there are no outcasts, there are no strangers, there are no orphans of God." I pretty much bawled through it, and I started getting backward glances from Becky and Stephen and our kids (I think it scared them that I was crying so much - Josie came to sit on my lap and rub my head) - and I didn't have a tissue anywhere. I ended up having to wipe my eyes on my nursing wrap/cover, which doubled as the world's largest handkerchief. After that, Kimmie came out and did this dance and then there was some miming to another song. It was very cool - they turned out all the lights, and the mimes, who were wearing all black except for white gloves, stood underneath a black light so the gloves glowed bright blue. There was another song then about how no matter what you've done or how far you've been from God, he still wants you to come back. Some of the mimes fashioned a cross out of their hands while the other ones made "come forward" motions with their hands, like Jesus is calling you to the cross. It was so touching to me... I've felt kind of like a wall has been up between me and God for quite a while now, but suddenly, the walls crashed down and I had a tremendously emotional (and welcome) experience. I felt like God had given ME a Christmas present right then... and I am SO glad that we went. I guess it was all a part of the plan. I haven't been to a Christmas play in over 8 years, and we just happened to be able to make it to that one. Coincidence? I think not.

After the play was over we all met in the fellowship hall with everyone for cookies (LOTS of cookies) and to talk over the play. It was a fun night. Jesse asked what the difference was between a Baptist and a Methodist (he really wanted to know what the answer was) and Stephen laughingly explained that "A Methodist will say hello to you in the liquor store." Hehee

On Christmas Eve, Jesse and I finally made it to Kohl's to see Brian for a few minutes and pick up some last minute things (and we snuck to Sonic for lunch - by ourselves). Then we went in circles around the grocery store, searching for frozen orange juice to make punch with. Later, after much drama at Grandma's (rivaling the Jerry Springer Show), we finally made it to the Church Christmas Dinner (not A church, but the Church Family) with my Daddy and Sylvia. It was good to see all of my family there together and the girls warmed right up to their cousins and played a rousing game of tag. The cutest part was seeing Sadie, Josie, Lauren, and Sydney (Syndey, according to Josie) sitting in the kitchen floor all together while Sadie told them stories. Too cute.

Next we trekked to Scotty and Angela's for ANOTHER dinner and more Christmas madness. It actually wasn't too crazy this year, and the girls had a great time - Sadie and Josie playing with Cameron, Caleb, Adam, Natasha... and Adelaide playing with (and fighting with) Bayleigh. Grandma Genevieve had given Adelaide some really cute sparkly silver shoes the other day, but her little foot was too chunky to wear them! So Grandma gave them to Bayleigh (their birthdays are two weeks apart), who had them on last night. Adelaide spotted the shoes right away, and proceeded to try to be like Grandpa Roy and "re-po" them. Bayleigh said, "Mine!" and took one shoe, but Adelaide said, "ADDALAY!" and snatched one back. This went on for some time, and we thought there was going to be a fight! The older great-grandkids put on a show, much to Uncle Thomas' dismay :) but everyone else liked it! Sadie and Josie said the "Long Long Ago" poem, and then Cameron sang the verses to "Go Tell it on the Mountain" and the other kids chimed in on the chorus. It was really good, I thought!

We got Bayleigh a red and white hat like Adelaide's blue one (the world's cutest hat) and when they put them on, the whole room stopped to watch. It was the CUTEST thing EVER. Of course, they wouldn't sit still enough for us to get a good picture, but it was one of those things you won't forget!

When we got back to Grandma's house, we all got ready for bed and then Jesse read us the Christmas story from Luke (my favorite version) before we all snuggled in for a long winter's nap. This morning, Sadie and Josie were thrilled to find new Razor Scooters with their names on them! They tore through the house all morning, toes beware! Adelaide had new tub toys, which she had to check out in the "sub, sub!" and Jesse got me some cool new leopard PJs. I feel blessed beyond measure this year, even though financially, times are kind of hard. God knows just what we need, doesn't He? It's amazing. Merry Christmas, everyone!