Friday, January 08, 2010

Toot toot!

Thanks to a terribly snowy day downtown, Jesse got to come home early (most of the businesses he needs to get to were closed) and we had a special day! The girls had all checks on their chore chart for the past couple of weeks (plus they did GREAT on the trip to NC and back home) so they were deserving of a special treat. We took all 3 girls, sans naps (gasp!) to the library to pick up "Where the Wild Things Are" which I read to them on the way to the theater to SEE "Where the Wild Things Are." We had to read it first, of course, and I somehow never got around to reading them that one before today. They liked the book, of course. What kid doesn't? I loved it when I was little. The movie, however, was a different story. THEY liked it, but I LOATHED it. I thought it was TERRIBLE. Yeah, the monsters looked good, but the rest of the whole thing was totally off. It makes me mad because this just happened to me with the "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs" movie. It ticked me off, too. Why do these people insist on trying to improve on perfection? It drives me crazy! In WTWTA, they completely left out the whole concept of "imagination..." it was like Max ACTUALLY went to another land. And, worst of all, they left out that his room grew vines and flowers all over it and turned into a jungle! That was my favorite part! For Pete's sake, that part takes up at least 5 pages of the book! Sheesh. To top it all off, they weren't even IN a jungle; they were in a forest and a DESERT! Hated it. Plus it was dark and dreary and depressing. I could've done a better job than that and I've never written a screenplay in my life. Sorry. I digress. The kids liked it. The best part of the whole movie, in my opinion, was when Jesse tried to "sneak one out" while we were sitting there without anyone hearing it. Ol' bat ears Adelaide heard it, though, and began yelling, "Toot! Toot! TOOOOOOOOT!" at the top of her lungs. So much for going incognito, there, Dad.

The other great part was when Adelaide pooped in her diaper and I had to change her while she was STANDING UP. This was a first for me, when poop is involved. I felt like quite the accomplished supermom when I escaped from the bathroom unscathed.

To top it all off, Sadie finished exactly half of her giant reading book (we marked the spot and it's been her seemingly unreachable goal for at least 6 months). The reward? You guessed it. The dread Chuck E. Cheese's. It actually wasn't bad this time... we had a coupon, a ton of tokens left over from her birthday party in March (yes, we've been in recovery for the past 10 months), and we got there relatively early so it wasn't packed. When we walked in, the lady at the door asked if we were there for a birthday party, to which I replied, "Hah! That's one mistake I'll never make again!"

Anyway, we had a good time and the kids thoroughly enjoyed themselves (they found a new favorite game, the DOG POUNDER) and wore themselves out running around and trying to score tickets. Needless to say, everyone collapsed into bed when we got home... Mommy and Daddy included.