Friday, April 16, 2010

For Reals

Adelaide just made her first real joke tonight... she was blowing into her hand, making yucky "Thhhhpppt" sounds, and Jesse said, "Hey, who did that? Somebody's stinky!" Adelaide said, "Josie did. Tooted!"

I've pretty much given up on writing down her new "words," since she's pretty much speaking in complete (if not always understandable) sentences all the time. Some of my favorite things she says now are: "Sumpting! Want sumpting!" "Wait! Hey, wait,
wait, WAIT!" "Mines. Mines! Addalay's!" "Book. Read it! Right tare!"

Sadie is enjoying being six, so far. She has decided that turning six has somehow magically made her capable of swinging under her own power on the swingset, being able to jump rope, braid hair, AND read Green Eggs and Ham all by herself. She's such a big helper with her sisters, especially Adelaide... so much so, that sometimes when Adelaide is hurt or crying, she'll yell for Sadie instead of me! On the other hand, growing up must mean more hormones, because she's been more of a drama queen than ever lately... crying over things, butting heads with me and Josie, and generally feeling sorry for herself and her rotten lot in life (like the fact that she can't drink juiceboxes every day and watch cartoons all the time... isn't it terrible?).

Josie was playing Cinderella the other day as she was helping me sweep the kitchen floor (a task that needs to be done at least 3x a day, especially now that it's getting to be outside time AND Jesse's office is now at home). She likes for me to be the wicked stepmother, but little did I know that today was the day that Cinderella would at last grow a backbone. When I said, "Hey! Get to work!" she threw her broom in the floor, stomped her little foot, and said, "You need to do some of your own work, Stepmudder! And tell those stepsisters they need to do some of their own work too, because I AM TIRED OF IT!" I said, "Cinderella doesn't do that!" She replied, "Well, she does today!"

The drama, ever compounded by Josie, had a splinter in her foot the other day. When I tried to get it out with a needle, she moaned, "THIS is the WORST DAY OF MY LIFE!" The very next day, when I told her we could make candy apples, she jumped up and down and yelled, "For REALS??? THIS is the BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!"