Friday, October 08, 2010

Beginning of F A L L

Since we watched The Wizard of Oz last year, the girls incorporate the ideas from the movie (and the book) into their every day lives. At breakfast the other morning, Josie cracked me up with her spot-on impersonation of the Mayor of Munchkin City... "Follow the yellow brick road!" She can sound EXACTLY like him! Sadie likes to sound more like the flutey voice of the GIRL munchkin, while Adelaide sings in a growly voice: "Sing it low, sing it low. Sing it LOW!"

In our homeschool co-op, Sadie is taking a class called Engineering Unwrapped. She loves learning how things work and how things are made, so this class is right up her alley. Last week she came running into the lunchroom to show me some Necco Wafers that she had learned all about in class that day. She said, "Mommy, hey, look. These are old-timey candies like from when Grammie was a little girl. They're called "long-necks."

Tonight Sadie and Josie had an interesting science lesson out in the garage as they helped Jesse clean a rainbow trout. They looked at all the disgusting innards and tried to figure out what they were (bleck). When they came in, Sadie talked to Papaw (my daddy) on the phone. She said, "We've been outside dressing a fish... or UNdressing, I guess I should say."

Yesterday, Adelaide broke a big bottle of cooking wine all over my kitchen floor. It was a huge mess for me to try to bend over (which is NOT easy these days!) and clean up AND it left me with a two year old who smelled like a wino for the rest of the afternoon. I seriously was concerned that if we went anywhere we might run into a policeman who would think I was liquoring up my kid! Honestly, the only way my kitchen floor seems to get mopped these days is if one of the girls accidentally spills her WATER on it and I have to wipe it up. Seriously. I spread it around as much as possible, so my floor gets a two foot radius of 'clean.' I'm busy and pregnant...what can I say?

Last week Sadie spent her own money at a garage sale for a Dora the Explorer pogo stick. She constantly calls it a "pongo" stick, which drives me nuts. No matter how many times I tell her it's POGO, she always switches back to PONGO. Oh well. It's fun watching her try to conquer it, but it definitely calls for a helmet.

On Sunday after church, we went to the pumpkin patch to get our pumpkins for jack-o-lanterns. The kids were super disappointed that it was too muddy to go through the corn maze and climb the hay bale mountain, but we had a good old time scooping out pumpkin goop and getting our scary faces carved!

My kids would subsist on nothing but pinto beans and cornbread if I'd let them. Josie single-handedly finished off half a dozen corn muffins at lunch the other day. As a matter of fact, I think it was the same day she ate half a loaf of pumpkin bread that Melissa brought over for us. She called Melissa to tell her how great of a baker she is... and (ulterior motive) to ask her to bring over some more!

Last week we went to the little amateur theater a couple of towns over to see two old-fashioned melodramas called "The Farmer's Daughter" and "Saved by the Serendipity Circus." The girls loved the fact that they could clap and cheer for the white-hatted hero and (even better) that they could boo and hiss for the villain!

And, last but not least, my new favorite joke: I told my psychiatrist I was having dreams that I was a teepee, then a wigwam...a teepee, then a wigwam...a teepee, then a wigwam. He said, "You're too tense."