Saturday, June 25, 2011

Thanks a lot

Mommy: Josie, come and snuggle with me!
Josie: Mom, I really do love you, but I just want to watch a cartoon.

Mommy: Adelaide, do you know what peace is?
Adelaide: Yeah, Mom. A peace of bread.

Mommy: Josie, would you like some apple juice?
Josie: Nah... Not a big fan.

Mommy: I'm feeling much better lately.
Sadie: Yeah, you really do play outside with us more, you don't take as many naps, and you don't have as many headaches, either! This eating healthy thing is good!

Mommy: C says "ck," like "candy."
Adelaide: Do you have some candy?
Mommy: No.
Adelaide: Thanks a lot, Mom.