Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Investigations by Josie

Josie now calls her brother "Sonny Boy." Her brother, in return, goes around saying, "My turn! My turn! My turn! My turn!"

She also recently learned to do 3 digit addition. This is the strange conversation we had that followed her first page of them: "Mommy, PLEASE can I have more math problems? PLEASE!!!?"

Adelaide wanted to use the battery-powered screwdriver that Jed and Josie were using to "work" on a block of wood in the family room floor. It was rightfully her turn, and she told Josie so. Josie told her, over and over, "Wait! Can't you see that I'm INVESTIGATING something!? I will let you have it when I am done with my INVESTIGATION! Seriously! This is a serious INVESTIGATION that I am INVESTIGATING!"


And Josie still says "Breftast" and "Callapillar." I don't correct her anymore because, honestly, I don't want her to stop saying it that way.