Sunday, February 05, 2006

Die, perverts, die!

Okay, I know this isn't like my usual light-hearted, fun-to-read conversational pieces. However, on Friday night I watched Dateline: To Catch a Predator III. It was unbelievable. I have been haunted ever since. Let me just say that I have always thought that there should be a special, painful lingering death reserved for sex offenders of children. This report just reinforced that conviction. It was totally bone-chilling to see the enormous number of people out there with this sick, sick, sick addiction. As a parent, just the thought makes me want to throw up. Dateline showed a set-up where they lured these sickos to a house where they thought they would be meeting up with a 12 year old that they "met" on the internet. These guys fully expected to GET with this 12 year old. Instead, they were met by Dateline cameras and the Sheriff's Department. In ONE night, 50 men were arrested for attempting to molest a child. And this was in one town in one county in one state in one country. Can you imagine how widespread this epidemic must be? Can you imagine this happening to YOUR child? Something must be done. Contact your congressmen. Write to your senators. And for their sake, PLEASE know what your child is doing at all times. Sitting at home playing on the computer may be the most dangerous place of all for them to be. We must protect those that cannot protect themselves.