Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I'm Okay, You're Okay

Today, Sadie was running around like a little crazy person. There is a huge refrigerator box in our great room that I'm converting into a carnival game. Right now, though, it's a giant toy for Sadie (Josie doesn't like it - we put her in there, but she just cries. I think she may be claustrophobic). Anyway, Sadie was running around and around and around it, climbing up on the couch and then jumping down behind it. She did this 8 or 9 times with no incident... then, she tripped over a cushion on the couch and landed - *SPLAT* - on her face on the floor. Instead of crying, she immediately springs back up to her feet and says, "Me okay, Mommy. Me O-KAY."