Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Not-Quite-Two Comedian

Sadie was in the tub the other night, and Josie was sitting on my lap, peering over into the water. She accidentally pushed the bottle of baby wash into the tub and it splashed both her and Sadie in the face. After two looks of surprise and shock, they both burst into giggles. Sadie then put the bottle back on the edge of the tub, and Josie went for it again. Splash! More squeals and giggles. Again. Splash! Cheers from Sadie, shrieks of delight from Josie. The game was on. They must have done this thirty times... I can't tell you how neat it was to see them interacting and playing together as sisters for the very first time.

These are just a few of the things that Sadie has said in the past couple of days. She keeps me laughing, even when I'm in a bad mood.

She absolutely loves Juicy Juice juice boxes. You know, the little square boxes with the straws attached? She's only allowed to have one a day, but she's always trying to manipulate us in order to con another one. The other night, she said, with dramatic emphasis, "Need juice box now... need juice box ALL DAY LONG!"

Today, as I was changing the sheets, she took one of the pillows, hugged it to her chest, closed her eyes, and said, "Pillow, pillow... I LOVE pillows."

She also wanted to climb up on the bed, and I told her to wait until I was finished putting the sheets back on. She thought about this for a second, then said, "Finish NOW, Mommy!"

She has taken to adding "now" to the ends of all of her questions... for any of you who have ever seen the "meow" scene in the movie Super Troopers, this should have an especially funny meaning. "What's that now?" "Where that now?" "What's this now?" "What doin,' now?"

And last but not least (this had me rolling in the floor), as I was putting her to bed last night, she took her little black sunglasses with Piglet on the sides, put them on, placed her hands on her hips, gave me a cool stare, and said, "Hey, Man...."