Thursday, March 16, 2006

Thank you, God

Every night, I sing Sadie a lullaby that I made up when I was only 4 or 5 years old and in the hospital. It's about angels sleeping in the clouds at night and Jesus watching over us... it's so sweet when she sings along. I love the fact that she's singing a song that I actually wrote for her - for her and Josie - long before she was ever born... long before I ever even thought about having my own children. Anyway, after the song and a bedtime story or two, we say her prayers. Sometimes, we hold hands, but usually, she likes to fold her little hands together, bow her head, and squinch her little eyes shut. She recites a list of things to thank God for, and most of the time, it goes something like this: Thank you, God, for Mommy, Daddy, Josie-bean, Papaw, Mamaw, Rudy (Woo-dy), Joey, Grammie, Grammie Poopsie, Great-Grammie, Pitsie (Pixie) Grandpa, Grandma, Deanna, Lynn, Lyd-lia, Say-ruh, 'Lissa, Becky, and Games! (James), Teagan, and Uncle Games (Big James), Cam-e-ron, goats, Rabbit poop, Juice Boxes, Sunday School, Cake, Pie, Ice Cream, Buddy, Doggies, and Snoopy.