Monday, August 21, 2006

Heads Up

Today, I told the girls they could get as dirty as they wanted. They headed to the sandbox. Josie dove in headfirst, and sat down inside it. Sadie dumped sand on her head. Again. They had a good old time, and then we went in to have a bath. As we were getting undressed for baths, Sadie's shirt got stuck on top of her head, so it looked like she had a little shepherd's robe/headwrap on. She said, "Hey! I look like Jesus!" Speaking of hats, we went to supper at a little fast food place that gives out those old fashioned paper sailor hats to kids. I put one on Josie's head, and I'm telling you... she looked like a poster child for a 1930's ad campaign. The child is so stinkin' cute. She got 2 molars... did I already write that? I'm losing it, you know. I really can't remember what I write and what I THINK half the time. It's getting scary! Especially since I found my first gray hair this week.... Aack!