Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Clippety Clop

Today, we broke out the Eazy-Bake oven that Sadie got from her Aunt Cindy for Christmas. (We opened presents here early since we're going home on Friday... yay!) We wanted to wait until Cindy could come over and help, but Sadie just couldn't restrain herself. Grammie ended up helping her bake a little cake and some cookies. Sadie was so excited to be able to do it "all by myself!" Unfortunately, she got her hand stuck IN the oven and Grammie had to turn and twist and yank it out. Ouch! Josie, on the other hand, helped with some sprinkles and proceeded to smear chocolate frosting all over her head. She also had a hey day riding her new little rocking horse from Grandma and Grandpa... it whinnies and sings, "I'm a little pony, clippety-clop, clippety-clop," which is a very annoying song, but somehow I cannot stop singing it.