Monday, December 18, 2006

What? That's MADNESS, I tell you!

Tonight, Josie helpfully rubbed baby oil all over my face and into my hair... and laughed. She's becoming more and more "helpful" as the days go by. It's so cute to watch her try to help, and to see her try to outdo her big sister.

Then, I sang "Away in a Manger" to Sadie as her lullaby. Well, I should say that I TRIED to sing it. I kept getting rudely interrupted after the first line. Our bedtime ritual went something like this:
Mommy: "Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, the little Lord Jesus... "
Sadie: "WHAT?! NO CRIB FOR HIS BED??!! God needs to GO to the STORE and get Baby JESUS a BED! He will BE COLD!! Maybe He should come and sleep in MY bed."