Thursday, March 01, 2007

Hard Workin' Girls

It's been over a week since my last post - highly unusual, isn't it? I've just been working feverishly on trying to get my business going again. I now may have two bridal fairs this month, and I may possibly have a wedding booked over the next week! Yay! I just finished a cheesy brochure that looks pretty good, if I do say so myself. Now I just have to get it all printed up and figure out who the heck I'm going to send it to. Churches, maybe? Is that too presumptuous? I don't know. Anyway, that's what I've been doing.

Today, I went to the OB. I have an announcement to make. I am NOT pregnant. Hehehe!! Scared you, didn't I? Seriously, I'm not. Don't start any rumors.

Every night when I put Josie to bed, we sit in her rocking chair, read "Goodnight Moon," and say prayers. At least we TRY to say prayers. Josie gets distracted somewhat easily, and always ends up putting her blanket over both our heads and saying, "Me hide! Me hide!" and laughing uncontrollably. What a nut.

Sadie and Josie are both now doing "chores" in the morning before they can watch Sesame Street. They're making their beds, helping "fold" laundry, helping clean out the dishwasher, straighten up, vacuum, etc. They love it! I think it gives them a feeling of purpose and accomplishment. I love it, too... it means that I never have to wrap up the vacuum cord again - that's Sadie's favorite part! The other day, after I got home from work (Jesse had done their chores with them that morning), Sadie met me at the door and said, "Mommy, can I have another chore to do?" OH! That this would last into their teen years!!