Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Mommy, My Mommy

Wow... I think this is the longest hiatus from blogging that I have ever been on! Where shall I begin? On our trip home, the kids did not sleep AT ALL. Thankfully, they didn't fuss at all, either. They just sat back in the backseat, minding their own business, playing with their Magnadoodles, My Little Ponys, animal books, notepads, and pens. Oh, and listening to Raffi... for about THREE HOURS. Eeples and Beneenees was quite the hit this trip... I can't remember how to say the real words now. :)

The kids had a ball at home, and there was much feeding of birds, playing outside, braiding of hair (Natasha), playing of ball (Papaw), reading of stories (Mamaw), riding of 4 wheeled vehicles (Scotty), eating of livermush (Great Grandma), learning to be mean (Uncle Thomas) and the like. Sadie's birthday party on Saturday drew a record crowd of about 40 people, and she kept running up and saying, "This is so wonderful!" and then running away again, holding on to her Tinkerbell party hat. It WAS fun, and we got to see all of her cousins, and lots of family and friends. Thank goodness for Angela, who ran the party for me (my back went out on Friday when my scoliosis starting acting up and I could hardly walk!) and Derek and Theda, who brought tons of food and even cleaned up for me! We have the best friends ever. Sadie got lots of cool stuff for her birthday, and even sweet-talked my Daddy into taking her and Josie for ice cream on top of all that.

The trip home was LONG and annoying... there was road construction, and we sat completely still for at least an hour. Josie took this opportunity to say, "Mommy, my mommy, mommy my mommy mommy my mommy my mommy mommy" at least a million times. No one without small children knows the pain of an hour of sitting still in a car on an intrastate. Yikes. But, we did make it home safely, and I have never seen two girls to glad to see their daddy! Sadie and Josie both went to sleep with these huge goofy grins on their faces.

Well, I must go find a heating pad and get back to work... both bridal fairs are this week, and I'm hoping to drum up some business!