Thursday, April 12, 2007


Easter in NC was fun... we dyed eggs and had lots of fun hiding them in Great Grandma's backyard with Josh. Dummy me forgot their cute little Southern Belle hats, but it was pretty chilly down there so they had to wear extra layers.... I think the "hat effect" may have been lost anyway. We went to the sunrise service and breakfast at White Oak (I ate SO much country ham that I oinked all the way home). We met up with Melanie, Angela, Becky, and Amanda so that the kids could play together AND we could meet Melanie's new arrival "Baby Ada," as Sadie likes to call her. Fun was had by all :) It was a fairly uneventful trip except that Mama's car died on the way back... God was watching over us, though, and instead of being stranded somewhere in the West Virginia mountains in the middle of the night, we got stranded outside of a BP station with a hotel right next door and a garage right down the street. The kids thought it was a big adventure, and thoroughly enjoyed their hotel stay... Josie slept with me, and let me tell you, the child is a BED HOG. It was like sleeping with a flippy floppy fish. At one point she banged her head against the wall, sat up, and said, "Bonk!" then flopped down across my stomach, snoring. Speaking of snoring, I have no idea how Sadie got ANY rest at all, sleeping with Grammie. It was like a chainsaw... no, an outboard motor. Yikes. Anyway, we got home safely, albeit a day late, and the kids were SO happy to be home that they went straight to their own beds and flopped down for a nap - all their own idea, of course! :) I was happy to be home, too, oddly enough. I missed Jesse.