Thursday, December 06, 2007

The Best Time of the Year

We put up our tree last week... Jesse and Sadie put it together and put the lights on (she followed him around holding the "tail" of the lights while he placed them on the tree) and then the girls, my mom and I decorated it. Well, at least Sadie did. Once Josie saw my Russian nesting dolls - a set of 5 that fit inside each other - she wanted nothing to do with the tree OR us. She just wanted to figure out how to get all the other dolls inside the biggest "Mommy" doll. Sadie, on the other hand, went a little bonkers with the decorating. Both girls have a little tree in their rooms, and Sadie ran back and forth, back and forth, swiping decorations to put on HER tree. When we finished, I was surprised to see what a good job she had done! You wouldn't think a 3 year old could decorate a tree that well. Anyway, the whole time we were putting up the tree, she kept singing, "Have a holly, jolly Christmas... it's the best time of the year! Have a holly, jolly Christmas... it's the best time of the year! Have a holly, jolly Christmas... it's the best... " Well, you get the picture. I made it a point to teach her some more words to that particular song over the weekend! Josie's favorite song this year is "Jingle Bells." She likes to "Sing it REALLY LOUD!!!" They are having fun with the season so far... wearing their jingley, elfy socks, pretending to be Mary and Joseph, visiting Santa at the mall (Sadie asked for a purple scooter and a puppet theater and Josie asked for a Muffler - a little thing to put her hands in to keep warm) and telling him, "Feliz Navidad!" We also made cookies this week, and they decorated them with red and green sprinkles. Well, I should say that they decorated the KITCHEN with red and green sprinkles. Oh well... It IS the best time of the year, right?