Tuesday, November 27, 2007


"I wanna hode you a second minute!" Josie likes to say... especially after I've put her to bed and she wants to get back out. "Wock me in de wockin' chair for a second minute, Mommy!" The Mommy guilt just about always gets me... I'm such a sucker. 8 out of 10 times, I "hode" her in the "wockin chair" and sing her another song.

Sadie, on the other hand, always wants to hear "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" just ONE more time. "And rub my back while you sing it, Mommy!" Which I do. "Will you tell me a story? I don't wanna read one - I want you to TELL me one!" Which I do - usually about a little girl named Sadie and her friend, SuperDuperSnooper.

I'm telling you... some of the things that I think about as I sit there in the dark with them are just plain scary. I haven't really talked to anyone about this, but with all that's happening in the Middle East and everything you see on the news, I can't help but think about all the poor mothers who are living in fear THIS VERY NIGHT... mothers who can't safely rock their babies to sleep because their houses have been blown to smithereens... mothers who can't hold their little ones in their arms "for a second minute" because they've been killed by some random bomb... mothers who can't tell stories to their little girls because their little girls can't hear them anymore. It just kills me to even think about it. And yet I do. And so I "hode" my girls. I sing them songs. And I pray to God that those horrible things that are happening to those other mothers and their children halfway around the world will somehow never happen to us.