Thursday, December 27, 2007

The No Good, Very Bad Day(s)

We came home from NC on Tuesday night. We got here in record time (Jesse drove the whole way) and everything SEEMED to be fine. We all went to bed. We prepared for the coming of Santa. We awoke to cries of "Mommy!!! MY EAR HURTS!" from Sadie standing next to our bed and loud coughing from the baby monitor in Josie's room. Great. The morning's Santa festivities were a wee bit anti-climactic due to a coughing, tired Josie and a lethargic Sadie who refused to get up off the couch. SOoooo... nobody slept all day, everyone cried and yelled "Mommy HOLD me!" "MY EAR HURTS!" "I need you!" ALL day long. I developed cramps and stiff arms from holding both hands over both of Sadie's ears because that was all she seemed to think would help the pain. Heating pad? WORK OF THE DEVIL. Ear drops? HA! I think not! Sheesh. Additionally, there was much throwing up. The best part of the day had to be when Sadie's fever reached 102 degrees and she was sitting on the bed whimpering and Josie, on the other side of the bed, spewed chicken noodle soup EVERYWHERE. All over the bed, all over herself, and all over ME. Do you remember the pie-eating contest scene in Stand By Me? That's what happened. Sadie started crying so hard that she threw up because she was scared because Josie was sick. I threw up because there is nothing more disgusting than half-digested chicken noodle soup all over you, especially when your gag reflex is hypersensitive anyway. Ugh.

Today, they felt better, thank the Lord. I, however, was exhausted from not sleeping and from a gigantic headache. I took them to the doctor (he thinks it's probably the onset of the flu. Joy.). I did get to take a glorious 45 minute nap. After that, Jesse came home and I went to the grocery store. Nice getaway, right? Well, think again! As I stood there minding my own business while going through the checkout line, the little boy cashier (who couldn't have been more than 17) looked at me and said, "Hey... you used to be a teenager a long time ago, right?" A LONG TIME AGO, he said. Ack!!! Unsure of whether to laugh or cry, I called a friend for backup... she laughed her head off, so I decided to round up the old hormones.

Then I went to another store to see if I could find a bra that would not cut me in half. There, I locked my keys in the car. Not fun in the freezing Ohio cold. Of course, I came to this realization at 8:55pm, right before the store closed, so I couldn't stay inside the store until Jesse got there. I would not be surprised if I was the next one in the family who comes down with the flu.