Thursday, March 27, 2008

Can I Get a Cotton Ball?

Well, Josie has pretty much potty-trained herself over the past week and a half. Neither Jesse nor I thought that she was ready yet (she won't be 3 until the end of July) but give that girl a little incentive and she goes for it! We made her very own potty bank a couple of weeks ago (she gets a cotton ball for going #1 and 2 cotton balls for going #2). Whenever she fills it up to a certain line she gets a) Candy b) a trip to the playground at the mall c) eating at her favorite place (Mexican) and seeing the Mariachi band and the best of all --and hardest to achieve -- d) Chuck E. Cheese's! She filled the whole potty bank up in record time, let me tell you. She would go potty over and over and over again, and every time when she finished, she would say, "Give me some toilet paper, please. Now, can I get a cotton ball?" She's been wearing cute little Winnie-the-Pooh panties around at home and today she wore the same big girl pull-up ALL DAY LONG! Coincidentally, today was the day we took them to Chuck E. Cheese's, too (even though both Daddy and I have colds). They had a blast, and Sadie has been great as far as "peer pressure" goes. She knows that when Josie wins, SHE wins too. So she's been saying, "Hey Josie... don't forget to go potty! Do you need to go potty? Good job! High Five!" Anyway, tonight, the funniest thing happened... There's this clock ride there (think Hickory Dickory Dock) that has a little chair the kids sit in and it goes all the way around the clock a few times while playing a little song (the kid has to buckle in before it starts). Josie picked this particular ride as her very favorite for tonight, and she must've ridden it 10 times or so. The funny thing was, she would climb in the chair, Sadie would buckle her in, put in the money, then tickle Josie's feet - when she could reach them - as the chair went around the clock. Josie thought this was hilarious. THEN, they traded places. Sadie got in the chair, buckled in, Josie put the token in, and then she ran around to tickle Sadie's feet. Somehow, instead of tickling and letting go like Sadie had done, she somehow decided to latch on to Sadie's feet with both hands... in a death grip. The ride, oblivious to what was going on, kept going up, up, up... and so did Josie. The highest the thing goes is about 5 feet off the ground, so the highest Josie got before she lost her grip and went Kerplunk! on her butt was about 3 1/2 feet or so, but you should've seen the look on her face!!! I thought Jesse and I were going to crack up. It was great.