Monday, November 23, 2009


Josie likes to say, "Sometimes you ALWAYS..." as in, "Sometimes you always wear that shirt," or "Sometimes you always put jelly on my toast." Jesse thinks it's a hoot.

In the car on the way to lunch today (we met Grandpa, Aunt Lydia, and Lynn at the Mexican place) Sadie pointed out a big flock of crows. She said that they would probably be migrating soon. Josie said, "I know what that is! That's when they go south to look for food! Hey... I will be migrating soon. To look for macaroni and cheese and dumplins and pinto beans." She didn't really mean it as a joke, but I thought it was a great one!

Right now, I hear Sadie and Josie singing "I love you cheeseburger" in the bathtub, amid splashing and laughing... I hear Jesse and Adelaide stomping through the bedroom, playing hide-and-seek (aka "Peet-boo!")and squealing with glee (Adelaide, not Jesse)... life is good.