Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Josie, who has been giving me a really hard time lately, made the following statement when she didn't do what she was told: "I forgot that when you do something wrong, you gotta do the consequences."

In a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black, Josie informed Adelaide that "You are so dramatic." Then she looked at me, rolled her eyes and said, "She is such a drama king. I mean queen."

Grammie tells the story of HeddieBell and Weasel, two people she knew in the NC mountains 'back in the day' when she was little. She and Sadie and Josie completely cracked themselves up one day when they decided that if HeddieBell and Weasel had kids, they would be named "WeaselHeads." After much sidesplitting, tearful, knee-slapping laughter, Adelaide picked up on the joke. She now goes around all day saying, "Oh WEASEL! Oh WEAAAASSSSEL!"