Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bird Ambulance

On a sunny morning last week, Sadie came tearing into the house yelling something about a bird. I followed her back outside, and she and Josie and Adelaide were all gathered around the big rock, watching a red robin flop around on the ground. Sadie had a big stick she gently nudged the bird with, but it didn't fly away. She said that usually when she gets close to a bird, it flies away. Since this one didn't, she knew something was wrong with it! Sure enough, the poor little bird did seem to have some kind of injury; we couldn't tell what. Lydia told us about a place that takes in sick or wounded wildlife, so I called them and they told us to wrap it in a towel and bring it
over. I asked the girls if they wanted to be a bird ambulance, and they were SO EXCITED. Jesse came out with his fishing net (the bird had hopped under the trees by this time) and I grabbed a towel and a shoe box, and pretty soon, the do-gooders had their bird. Josie carried the bird very carefully to the car and it rode in her lap half the way there. Sadie got it the second half of the trip (there was much peeking in the box on both their parts) and carried it into the rescue center. It
was great seeing them be so caring and nurturing of one of God's creatures. On the way there, we talked about how God knows each and every sparrow and cares about them, too. I think it was a great experience and I'm glad they felt proud of themselves for helping an animal!