Monday, June 14, 2010


I cannot believe that it's the middle of June already. Where has the time gone? We have been busy, busy, busy, but I can't remember what we've been doing. Josie blames this on my being pregnant. I forget something, I drop something, I lose something, we're late for something, etc. Josie says, "It's because you've got a baby in there, Mommy." I'm inclined to agree with her. I think my brain cells have been decreasing ever since Sadie was conceived... now I'm down to just a few more, and this baby is getting those! I can't count how many times I've run the washing machine WITHOUT bothering to put any clothes in it. Or how many eggs I've dropped on the kitchen floor, only to clean up the mess then drop ANOTHER one in the exact same spot. Ahhh... the joys of pregnancy. :)

Now my hands are going to sleep again, too, which I just LOVED last time with Adelaide. It seems like it was more toward the 7th or 8th month along with her, but this time, nooooo... it's starting at 16 weeks! I wake up in the middle of the night, and the rest of my body wakes up, too, all except for my hands, which hang there while I wave my arms all around, looking like an an idiot and saying, "Durrr!"

Only a few more weeks until we attempt to find out what this baby is... I'm having mixed feelings about it. I keep thinking, well, it MUST be a boy because I feel so different this time, but then again, I've felt different EVERY time. I guess we'll see. Sadie and Josie are still set on getting someone to play their "Prince" for them! On the other hand, it would be nice to use all these cute clothes ONE more time....