Tuesday, February 21, 2006

One is silver and the other gold...

Do you know how it feels when you see an old friend that you haven't seen for a really long time? Kind of like you're coming home, right? That's how it always feels to me. Completing the circle, filling a space that's been empty when you didn't even know it, making old wrongs right, creating new memories on top of the old ones... I like that feeling. I like my old friends. Don't get me wrong - I like my new friends, too, but isn't there a beauty... a fulfillment... an almost freeing grace that comes from being with the ones who know you - really know you? And they love you anyway? I am so blessed to have a few friends like that. If you haven't seen your old friends lately, call them. Hang out. Do something crazy. Talk into the wee hours. I'm telling you - do it! It will make you feel more alive.