Friday, August 25, 2006

Sweet Dreams

Today, I decided to stop being such a stickler for naptime and bedtime. They are growing up so fast, and I just want to hold on to them the way they are right now. I've decided to cherish it... for the moment, anyway. So, instead of putting Josie down for her nap this afternoon, I rocked and snuggled her for an hour. She put her blanket on her head, snuggled down into my chest, and kept popping back up to look at me and grin every five minutes. She also whispered, "Da, da, duh, duh, duh," and "Ma-mah!" Not much sleeping was done, but it certainly was some great quality time. Especially when she reached up, gently touched my cheek, looked into my eyes, and then stuck her finger right up my nose. :)

In keeping with my new persona, I let Sadie stay up until 9, and she snuggled with me in MY bed and we read books and talked. She also said her prayers with me... she's so funny - after she thanked God for Papaw and Mamaw, she thanked Him again for Rudy the dog, and also for "Little Rudy." I can only hope that she's always as sweet as she is right now. She just comes out with these SWEET things, like, "I'm so glad you're here, Mommy," or "I love you so much!" or "I'm so happy to see you!" We also sang Josie's bedtime song. Sadie (totally surprising me) added her own little echo to the song... I sang a line, then she repeated it after me, for the whole song. It was so cute, but I guess you had to be there. I'm glad I was.