Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Last night, the girls and I were looking at pictures on the laptop (they love doing that). When we finished, Sadie said, "Mommy, I want to look at the pictures that talk. You know, the pictures that talk and move!" Meaning, of course, the home videos of her and Josie. So, I played one for them of when Josie was about 7 or 8 months old. They both sat here, enthralled, for about 30 minutes. They love watching themselves! When I came back to check on them, they were watching a video of Josie in her "Johnny Jump Up" bouncing in the door frame at Jesse's parents' house. In the video, Sadie was pushing Josie, talking to her, making her laugh, and just generally entertaining her. They were having such a good time in the video... Sadie turned to me and asked, "Mommy, can we go back there?" I said, "Sure, we can go back to Grandma and Grandpa's house... we'll go back next week." She said, "No, Mommy. Can we go back there? Back when Josie was a little baby and I was there in my PJ's and we were laughing?" I said, "No, we can't go back in time, Sadie. I wish we could."

And then I left the room and cried.

Thank You, God... for my girls, who are growing up so fast.