Saturday, September 04, 2010

Crazy Barbie Teeth

The other day there was a woman in a convertible ahead of us at a stop light. Her license plate said "Barbie." I asked the kids if they thought she looked like Barbie. Josie said, "Yeah... Crazy Barbie!" I never realized they actually marketed that one... she comes with a syringe, a lobotomy cap and a straight-jacket. :)

Last night after they were already tucked in, the pitter patter of Sadie's and Josie's little feet came thumping down the stairs. Wrapped up in their blanket-capes, Sadie explains, "Mommy, Daddy! I think my tooth is going to come out. It's wiggling!...As a matter of fact, I think I'll yank it out right now." Pop! She pulled it RIGHT OUT! All by herself! Sheesh. Who needs help from Mommy around here, anyway?