Friday, January 21, 2011

In a Teapot?

The kids were in a hurry to get to Grammie's house the other day. On the highway, there were different traffic patterns because of road construction. Different ANYthing is noticed by my kids, so of course they assumed it was a totally different road. Since they KNOW the way to Grammie's, Sadie asked me three or four times why I was going this way. I said, "Because I'm going to Grammie's!" She said, "Well, don't you know the right way?" I said, "Of course I know the right way to go." She said, "Well, then, why are you going THIS way?"

Adelaide: "Does God have a cane?"

Today Adelaide was playing with her Little People Toys. Keep in mind that we have a Little People Nativity set. This is what I overheard: "Hey! I am Tinkerbell! See dese wings? Now get outta da way. Here comes Baby Jesus in a teapot!"

For Christmas, I got the girls a beautiful star shaped nightlite with cutouts in it to hang from their ceiling. Every night, one of them gets to turn on their "starlight." Last night, Josie said, "Hey! It really is our star LIGHT. Star Light, star bright, first star I see tonight, because it IS the first star I see tonight!"