Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mommy Guilt

I'm feeling guilty about not doing a baby calendar for Jedidiah. For Sadie and Josie, I kept meticulous calendars about their every move for their first whole year, complete with stickers for special occasions. Adelaide got a little bit less of the royal treatment regarding calendars... hers wasn't nearly as filled in, and it didn't have stickers, either. Poor Jedidiah has no calendar at all. I just do not have the time to do it! So I'm writing this down in my blog for him - Jedidiah, you are so cute and scrumptious and your chubby little cheeks make me want to kiss them EVERYDAY. You get cuter EVERY day, and you are learning and growing right before our eyes. When you "talk" to us, saying "goo" and "doo" and "ahhh" we all just melt and we love to hear your sweet little voice (except when you're crying)! You like looking at your yellow duck, watching the bluebirds in your crib, staring at the jungle mobile, and being held by your sisters (especially Josie, at this point). You talk to Daddy the most...apparently, the two of you are kindred spirits, including your stinky baby-gas issues! You are a serious toot machine, kid! I love you so much and the fact that you don't have a calendar has NO reflection whatsoever on the amount of love I feel for you! You are my sweet sweet baby boy... and at least you have a baby book of your own. :)